Sunday, August 19, 2007

August 19, 2007

Looks like Comcast is making friends today. A reader sent this to me today. While I understand why they are doing it, I don't believe this is the right answer. Bit-torrent relies on upload and download bandwidth being available. Sending RST to terminate the upload (while creative) is only alienating their customers even further. Personally I don't believe they really care. They simply want you to send them their money and read 130,000 email's every month. Or better yet, just send them the money and don't use the service. It's better for everyone that way :-)

Services such as Zudeo would be affected by this stunt. BTW, if you are a Star Wars fan, download "Dark Resurrection" from them(it's in Italian with English subs). It's awesome!

If Bit-Torrent is such a problem, here's another protocol which could finish the job of trashing the Internet. Internet Television is becoming VERY popular especially in my house (along with Internet Radio).

A recent report urges restraint to nurture growth of the Internet. I thought this part of their report was very interesting

The think tank, the New Millennium Research Council, released an 18-page report that called on Internet policymakers to avoid new regulations that could restrict Internet investment by the private sector and to find ways to encourage investment to handle the coming Internet onslaught.

How well has this "Hands Off" approach worked? Any guesses? Just read the above article on P2P for the answer. Oh, and for those who think fiber to the home isn't possible because of all the fiber we'd have to run across the country, check this out

The report said investment in network capacity by ISPs typically involves activating fiber optic cables that are already constructed but still dark; connecting the fiber to higher speed routers; dedicating circuits to Internet traffic; and expanding end user access lines where needed. Notably, 75 percent growth in the average traffic on the world's Internet backbones in 2006 outpaced the 47 percent growth of capacity, the report said, citing TeleGeography Research. That trend had continued for the third straight year.

Dark Fiber in other words. I believe we have the infrastructure already in place for the long runs people frequently bring up. It's the last mile which is the problem. This is why I support Utopia's efforts.

Finally I leave you with this thought.

The average IPTV user will likely consume about 224 gigabytes per month, he added, at a monthly cost to carriers of $112, a giant leap from the less than $5 attributed to Internet use. If that content were high-definition video, the average user would be consuming more than 1 terabyte per month at a cost to carriers of $560 per month. "Clearly that's not what the average user is going to pay per month for their video service," Kafka said. "That's why we need help."

Now I think I understand the knee jerk reaction and the fear companies such as Comcast display. The future doesn't look very bright without a fundamental change in either the habits of their customers or investment in the infrastructure.

Starting in the early 1990's, the Clinton-Gore Administration had aggressive plans to create the "National Infrastructure Initiative" to rewire ALL of America with fiber optic wiring, replacing the 100 year old copper wire. The Bell companies - SBC, Verizon, BellSouth and Qwest, claimed that they would step up to the plate and rewire homes, schools, libraries, government agencies, businesses and hospitals, etc. if they received financial incentives.

• By 2006, 86 million households should have already been wired with a fiber (and coax), wire, capable of at least 45 Mbps in both directions, and could handle 500+ channels.
• Universal Broadband: This wiring was to be done in rich and poor neighborhoods, in rural, urban and suburban areas equally.
• Open to ALL Competition: These networks were to be open to ALL competitors, not a closed-in network or deployed only where the phone company desired.
• This is not Verizon's FIOS or SBC's Lightspeed fiber optics, which are slower, can't handle 500 channels, are not open to competition, and are not being deployed equitably.
• This was NOT fiber somewhere in the network ether, but directly to homes.

We already paid for it in taxes. So why don't we have it? Does anyone else feel like fraud occurred somewhere?

• Costs to Customers - We estimate that $206 billion dollars in excess profits and tax deductions were collected - over $2000 per household. (This is the low estimate.)

• Cost to the Country - About $5 trillion dollars to the economy. America lost a decade of technological innovation and economic growth, about $500 billion annually.

• Cost to the Country - America is now 16th in the world in broadband. While Korea and Japan have 40-100 Mbps at cheap prices, America is still at kilobyte speeds.

• The New Digital Divide - The phone companies current plans are to pick and choose where and when they want to deploy fiber services, if at all.

• Competitor Close Out - SBC, BellSouth and Verizon now claim that they can control who uses the networks and at what price, impacting everything from VOIP and municipality roll outs to new services from Ebay and Google.

Next time you are told you didn't pay for it, remind them they already grabbed over 200 Billion from Americans under Clinton. It's time to cough up the benefits of our investment.


Utahcon said...

It is amazing how much we have paid and how little we have gotten. What is our real course of action here? How can we hold the government to these actions now that it has been so long, let's not mix things here it has been almost 10 years since that happened, and we are still paying taxes for it today. When do we get it?

u235sentinel said...

Bear said...

It is amazing how much we have paid and how little we have gotten. What is our real course of action here? How can we hold the government to these actions now that it has been so long, let's not mix things here it has been almost 10 years since that happened, and we are still paying taxes for it today. When do we get it?

I really don't know... yet.

I've heard rumors of this for a few months. The links are the first bit of "proof" I have. It's all second hand still and I'd like to get better information before I start writing letters (again) to our politicians.

Once I find something I'll post it here though it may take some effort. Don't know yet.

I guess I could always write a letter to Al Gore (the inventor of the Internet) ::grinz::

Shinrin said...

Lately i've been noticing that i can only download only 2gb's though firefox and Internet explorer, causing my downloads to get corrupt.

I've tried diffrent servers to get this file, and it stops at the same spot every time. Now, i haven't experence the bittorrent issue yet and i'm now downloading the file over it, cause i can download more than 2gb's on it.

I haven't had this problem before, so i'm thinking comcast is starting to put a cap at how much a file can be downloaded though firefox and internet explorer.

I can't comfirm this though, since i haven't heard anyone else say anything about this.

u235sentinel said...

jkfan87 said...

The bests is when you just randomly make up numbers for the cost to the economy and don't even TRY to back up those nbumbers. I mean, couldn't you at least give some indication of lost monetary value from not having ultra high speed broadband? (Of course you can't. Becuase if you tried, you would look silly for saying it is $5 trillion.)

I struggled with this one. I couldn't figure out how to edit your colorful metaphors so I retyped your post. Otherwise I simply would have rejected it and not responded. I however felt people need to hear what you are saying and I wanted to submit your challenge to bloggers like you.

What is the cost to the economy with not having an (ultra??) high speed broadband available? I'm curious if anyone has done a study of this beyond the 5ways report (you did read it right?)

Could we use the same analogy of public roads? What if we didn't have public roads and other services handy (no water works no sewage service and so on).

Does anyone believe our economy would be where it is today (or our lives for that matter) without public roads?

FYI, I only this week learned about the NII and our $200 billion already spent(conservative number from what I'm seeing). American's have already paid for the service. So where is it?

Ultra high speed broadband? Re-read my post on where America is compared to the rest of the world. We're sadly lagging behind what other countries normally provide. For example, Clark Howard in March spoke about his in London. How much are you paying for your Internet connection btw? Feel free to share. I'll bet it's not half as fast as other countries.


It's amusing you said that with a straight face while on the Internet. Just had to point that out ::grinz::

I left your spelling errors intact however I did remove your vulgarity. Children have visited this blog and I prefer to keep it clean. Other's have been rejected as I simply don't have time dealing with their emotional issues nor am I qualified.

You sir know a thimble full about me. I'm far more complicated than you are aware. If you have a point you wish to make then please make it, and without the vulgarity.

The issue at hand is a company (Called Comcast) has failed to communicate there was a problem with customers. One phone call and you are gone. They "claim" it's only a few people however I find that difficult to believe after the research I've done.

I have one neighbor down the street with 9 kids who received "The Call" for "excessive use" and I've spoken with many many others with similar stories. That's the bottom line. Comcast is abusing customers who have NO other options ... at least not

I think that covers it. I've backed up everything I say here with links and scanned documents. If you have a dissenting opinion then please give it, but I'd post references if I were you. Otherwise it's JUST an opinion.

I'm done. Normally I don't spend a second with immature posts. Don't know why I did. Felt like I needed to I guess.

Now excuse me. I'm running to a Cub Scout Pack meeting in a couple of hours. My younger son is getting his all 20 certificate and his Arrow of Light. And he completed all the requirements without the Internet. Cool huh :D


Unknown said...

I applaud all the investigating into Comcast's shennanigans. I hopped onto Fiber Optic service nearly two years ago at a rate almost $17 cheaper than my interet service with Comcast. Plus, my download speed quadrupled (I never got more than 1500kbps with Comcast) while my upload speed was factored by 10.

I don't mean to sound like a commercial, but it just goes to show how much Comcast is simply unwilling to adapt to change and newer technologies for the sake of the consumer. They'd rather manipulate the consumer's understanding than earn the consumer's business. Nearly everyone I know has clambered to switch to our "local" Fiber provider.

I can also say that I recently switched over to Fiber for my television service, which includes high definition. The cost of my internet and television combined is about twenty dollars less than Comcast would have provided, with three times as many channels included, in addition to Big Ten Network, a subject over which Comcast has recently dealt with by supposedly starting an Astroturfing campaign, which is incredibly typical of them if it's true.

God knows what my average data usage is, especially given my television service. but it is nice knowing that my internet speed is a fixed limit that I pay for, not something I split with my neighbors. And my television service doesn't bite into those speeds.

Unknown said...

Comcast has been nothing but evil to me. They've sent installers to my house that have sexually harassed my friends. They've installed spyware on my computers which has caused us hours and hours of productivity and time lost just trying to remove it. And they've never been nice to me over the phone. I like what you are doing with your blog.

Also, I recently read a great article about 200 billion stolen dollars, and noticed it ties in to your arguments nicely! Enjoy.

André said...

Hi, I haven't been able to follow your blog for the past few months (only got as far as mid-August), but thought that maybe this would interest you:


Sorry if you already mentioned it somewhere, like I sais, haven't read the latest entries yet. I'm also starting to read a lot more about Comcast and their wonderful services across the net. Seems that their excellent service keeps inspiring lots more articles lately...